Kukei.eu integrations

Having cool web search engine is cool but if it doesn't work with any muscle memory then you'd always end up using your general use default search engine.

Here are some tips how to integrate kukei.eu in your daily work:

Firefox - add a shortcut

If you use Firefox as your main browser, you are lucky. Firefox has an amazing `opensearch` integration/UX.

Kukei.eu supports opensearch standard so once you visit the website once, you can configure an alias (e.g. @ku) which you can later use to search via kukei.eu instead of your default engine.

More information on how to configure it are available on Firefox website

Siri shortcut

For macOS users there's also a nice way to have kukei.eu always available, no matter what context.

You can use a Siri Shortcut that I prepared for you. Here's how to use it:

Here's how it works in the end on macOS:


If you're an Alfred user this url will add a kukei.eu shortcut to your settings.


Screenshots of the config:

Screenshot of Alfred app settings with Web Search shortcut open with following inputs: Search URL: https://kukei.eu?q={query}, Encode spaces as (empty), Title: Kukei, Keyword: kk Screenshot of Alfred app prompt with 'kk vue router' query and 'Kukei' shortcut presented as the action item

P.S. Alfred instruction and screenshots provided by @[email protected]. Idea of integrating Alfred in general: @[email protected]. Thank you!